PCR: The test is taken in our practice, afterwards the sample will be sent to a laboratory in Tenerife. For this reason, the PCR can only be performed Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m., excluding public holidays and the weekends. The result is usually available in between 24 hours after the test has been taken. We recommend that you realize the PCR minimum 2 days before of your departure, as there is still time for any delays. Costs: 150 EUR. The costs consist almost exclusively of the laboratory costs and the sample transport, a price reduction can only be granted for a minimum of three samples per calendar day.

We need the following documents and informations to realize the PCR test.

1. Completed and signed data protection form.

The form is needed for the Spanish health department and the laboratory.

The data protection form is available in front of our practice during the opening hours

(09:00 hrs. a.m – 13:00 hrs p.m.)


We ask you to fill out and sign the data sheet and bring it with you to the appointment.


2. Personal data (please use the specifications below for each person):

Vorname/nombre/first name:


Ausweisnummer/DNI/passport number:

Reiseziel (Land)/pais de destino/destination (country):

Geburtsdatum/fecha de nacimiento/date of birth:

Wohnort / Domicilio / Home address:

Strasse  / Calle / Street:                                  

Hausnummer / Número / Number:

PLZ / CP. / PCl:        

Land / Pais / Country:                         



Please send us the data sheet at least 3 working days before the planned test to the following email address:




We will not be able to confirm the date for the PCR- test until we have received all the documentation.